
Easy ways to make money and improve your finances

Improving your financial health and boosting your savings might be easier than you think. From joining the gig economy to selling your spare stuff, find out how to easily make and save more money.

6 min read

A freelancer searching about expected salary with a desktop and a plant behind.

How much do freelancers make? A guide to the average freelancer salary

Salary is a big consideration when thinking about going freelance. Read our guide to find out average hourly rates for a number of industries.

6 min read

A freelance accountant working on a desk.

What’s the difference between salary and hourly pay?

Trying to decide how you want to be paid? Weigh up the pros and cons to decide what’s best for you.

5 min read

Freelancers with iPads writing on a note-book.

What is annual salary?

What is it, really? How is it calculated? Learn about the different elements and compare annual salary to hourly rate.

5 min read

Woman checking her bank statement and holding an N26 debit card.

What’s the difference between gross pay and net pay?

Understand the difference between gross vs. net salary and learn what it means for your salary.

5 min read

Two people working on laptops outside.

The 5 Best Visas for Digital Nomads in 2022

Want to live and work from an island? A rainforest? Some countries are offering digital nomad visas with impressive benefits. Here are some of the most attractive visas for digital nomads in 2022.

5 min read

Mother and daughter look in scooter rearview mirror.

The motherhood penalty: what is it and how can we combat it?

We know having kids costs money, but did you know that it actually reduces women’s earnings throughout their lives? Read on to learn about the motherhood penalty and what we can do to minimize it.

7 min read

Piggy bank on a pink background.

Which Europeans saved and spent the most in 2021?

N26 data indicates that Spanish customers saved more in 2021 than their European counterparts—and European women were better at saving than men. For more saving and spending insights, read on.

13 min read

A couple reviewing the bills.

What is paid time off and how does it work?

What does PTO stand for and what do you need to know? Our guide explains the difference between paid time off and vacation.

4 min read

A hand holding a pen, writing.

Your guide to paid internships in France

Learn about taxes, laws, and of course, financial compensation.

5 min read

Someone is typing on a computer.

Filing your tax return in France as student

Are you a student filled with dread at the thought of filing your tax return? If so, don’t panic—our guide will tell you everything you need to know to file your tax return easily.

5 min read

When it comes to withdrawing money from an ATM or using your card abroad, foreign transaction fees could mean you’ll end up spending more than you anticipated.

5 things you need to know about unpaid leave in France

Want to put your career on hold for awhile, but unsure about asking for unpaid leave? Discover the conditions—and advantages—of unpaid leave in this handy guide.

5 min read

Man with beard holding baby.

Your guide to paternity leave in France

Fathers living in France have the right to one month of paternity leave. Read on to discover the details about parental leave for new dads and secondary caregivers following the birth of their child.

5 min read